Zionsville Parks and Recreation
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Do It Again Art Market Register View Cart

Do It Again Recycled Art Market
The Do It Again Recycled Art Market is an indoor art and fine craft show promoting recycling, reusing, and reclaiming of pre-consumer and post-consumer goods during Zionsville Greenfest.

We seek artists and crafters who source recycled, natural, and reclaimed materials to create new products. No multi-level marketing (MLM), direct sales vendors or contractors. All vendors keep 100% of their sales.

Market applications open February 14 and spots are limited

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Do It Again Market Vendor Application 
N/A N/A Sa  04/26/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Town Hall
$25.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
20 seat(s) available
Vendors must source recycled, natural or reclaimed materials in their products. Not contract sales or MLM sales. Applications will be approved in order that they are received.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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